With the lifting of the U.K. flockdown, we are happy to reopen bookings!

Hi, I'm Lisa

Hello I’m Lisa, welcome to my chicken hotel. I have always wanted chickens and when we moved to our new home with a lovely big garden I was able to finally have some. Our chickens are called Jemima and Florence, we’ve owned them for over a year now and absolutely adore them! I Always say that a happy chicken means happy eggs, it’s just one of the gifts that owning chickens gives you and I’d never want to go back to shop bought now. I am so pleased that our two 4 year olds have the chance to collect them every day. They learn so much by looking after our hens, it also helps them build their confidence up which I think is really important. One of the things that I love most about Jemima and Flo is the little noises that they make, the gentle cooing and chirping that says that they’re happy, they love a cuddle. They’re really sweet girls and loving life, we’re all so happy to have them and we’re looking forward to them having visiting friends to stay.

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